Pok Wikia

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About Us

Mej mej
Welcome to Pokkopedia! Welcome to the world of Mejlings, a place filled with slimy, bouncy creatures that made themselves a very fun and futuristic world.

Meet the Overlords, the leader of Meej that keep it safe from enemies

Their neighbors, Jeem, a terrorsits organisation, underground civilization of creatures, under-lords, teleporting creatures, sunny creatures, different dimensions, a god like creature, extremely small creatures and lots and lots of animals... Please explore the wiki!


BREAKING NEWS: The The Monthly Mej has been decommissoned. It will no longer update with news.

Here are some Quizzes. Go on, click on it.

Featured pages:

Editor's Pick

- Seraptyla

- Dimensions

- Timeline

- Giflings

Here are some pages to get you started:

Confused? Use this to get you started  

- Rankings


- The Ovelords

Find us on Social Media:

  • Instagram  You want to see the process of the world of Meej and the game?
  • DeviantArt See concept art and art done for Mej Mej
  • Twitter - Coming Soon
  • Tumblr - Coming Soon
  • Youtube - Coming Soon

Want to see what the creators are doing, really, really bad? Go ahead and send us an email at pokpokproduction@gmail.com! or overlordpej@gmail.com

Search for http:// '#pokpokproductionshttps://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/pokpokproductions/ #pokpokproductions to find out latest work on instagram!

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